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Referral Program FAQs

What is the Rolling Adz referral program?

The Rolling Adz referral program allows drivers to refer other drivers to participate in our truck-side advertising program. Drivers who give referrals have the opportunity to earn rewards and attain a Rolling Adz preferred partner status.

How much does it cost to join the program?

Nothing! It is completely FREE for drivers to join. You have the opportunity to earn rewards and gain a preferred partner status with Rolling Adz and have the chance to earn additional passive income through truck-side advertising.

How do I refer drivers?

You will be assigned a unique affiliate ID and affiliate link that you can give to drivers. This automatically links referrals to your profile. Alternatively, you can refer drivers to our website where they can sign up. Be sure they include your affiliate ID in order to give you credit. If you need an affiliate ID or affiliate link, please request one HERE.

What is the criteria for a referral?

To be considered a referral, a driver must not have been in our database previously. They must also sign up using your unique affiliate link or list your affiliate code while signing up on our website, if you want to receive credit for the referral. The more referrals you have, the higher preferred partner status you will achieve and the more chances you have of a referred driver being assigned to an active campaign, which leads to rewards.

Can I refer drivers that are not in my area?

Yes! Rolling Adz has campaigns all across the country. If you know of drivers that are not in your area, you can still refer them. Chances are, we will have an advertising campaign in their area soon.

How will I know if there is an active advertising campaign?

You will be notified via email when Rolling Adz has a new advertising campaign. This will provide you the opportunity to refer drivers in the area directly to the campaign and earn rewards. You can also visit our Driver Load Board to see active and upcoming campaigns by clicking this link.

What rewards can I receive for referring drivers?

If a driver you referred is assigned to an active advertising campaign, you will have the opportunity to choose one of the following rewards:

  • Custom door sticker for your truck, featuring your company logo or information
  • $100 gift card to one of the following locations: Walmart, Amazon, Visa card

Your reward will be conferred within 30 days of you selecting your preferred reward. There is no limit to how many rewards you can earn from referrals.

How will I know when one of my referred drivers signs up with Rolling Adz?

You will be notified via email or SMS when a driver signs up with your unique affiliate link or signs up via our website and lists your unique affiliate code.

How will I know how many drivers I have referred?

You will be notified via email or SMS when a driver signs up with your unique affiliate code or affiliate link. If you have active referrals, you will be sent a monthly notification noting your preferred partner level and the number of referrals you have made.

How will I know if one of my referrals is assigned to an active campaign?

You will be notified via email or SMS when a driver you have referred is assigned to an active campaign. You will then be able to select your preferred reward.

What rewards do I receive for being a Rolling Adz preferred partner?

The rewards you will receive for being a Rolling Adz preferred partner depend upon what level you have attained. Rewards include: a truck door sticker with your preferred partner level and Rolling Adz swag, such as a trucker hat or T-shirt. At each level, you will receive special opportunities to work with us and earn additional income when we have an advertising campaign in your area.

What do the different levels of Rolling Adz preferred partners mean?

The preferred partner levels denote how many referrals someone has made. The Gold level requires five referrals. The Diamond level requires 10 referrals. The Platinum level requires 15 referrals.

I lost my affiliate ID or link. What should I do?

If you lost your affiliate ID or affiliate link, please request that it be sent to you by clicking here.